
I think I'm the most proud of the fight scenes and backgrounds/staging in Obsidian... I had a ton of really good concept art to work from!

AT: Distant Lands "OBSIDIAN" (1) from iggycraig
Princess Bubblegum & Marceline's arrival in the Glass Kingdom. I forget who came up with it but I love the gag of bubble-wrapping Glassboy so he stays safe on the ride (maybe me?)

AT: Distant Lands "OBSIDIAN" (2) from iggycraig
flashback to marceline & PB's first fight in front of this same creature. Mickey Quinn boarded the fabulous music number after this part... probably the most incredible part of this whole special. After that is Marceline finally arriving at that bunker her mother told her about all those years ago...

✦✦✦ stills & sketches saved from the board ✦✦✦

marceline's old trailer

I had tons of fun interpreting the concept art for the glass spires in the bgs of these fight scenes.

the following is the very first pass of the first part of my board. lots of it changed but a lot stayed the same! i think they're interesting to look at now that the final product has aired.